Perfect World Item Dupe Hack

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Perfect world item listWorld

Perfect World Item Database

Jan 27, 2012  item in the vid is, Fire essence, Piece of facion, helm, glove, and +7 tirpitz sword PS: if you dont like this, simple just ignore this thread, by posting ridiculous word means that your jealous PSS: this thread doesnt last forever, im.

This is a common-jargon walkthrough of an interesting Diablo 2 exploit. It provides the necessary background information (network protocol and game mechanics) to gain some understanding of the primitives from which it's constructed. Since the exploit is against a black-box network service with no available code, exact details and subtleties remain a mystery.:) Exploit effects Diablo 2 items can have a list of properties with various effects. The most common items (normal or 'white' ones) have very few possible effects; however, all items can have sockets. Rune and gem-type items can be inserted into sockets. Some sequences of runes are special - inserting them into a white item makes a runeword item with predictable special properties.

Here's an example runeword 'Peace' created by inserting Shael, Thul, and Amn runes into a 3-socket Light Plate: Wait. Something's fucky. If you've played Diablo 2 you may recognize that as 'Enigma', a high-level runeword created with Jah, Ith, Ber and highly sought-after due to granting all classes the ability to teleport like a Sorceress. Visual It would be nice to have the item on-hand as proof, and for packet inspection. However, it's not uncommon for MMO exploits to propagate first as rumours, then eventually as screenshots. Let's dissect the effects visible in the screenshot by looking up items on Blizzard's Arreat Summit reference site. We can look at the properties of,, and.