Motherboard Manuals Model Number

Motherboard Manuals Model Number Windows 7
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I have been trying for days to locate a motherboard manual for this Hewlett-Packard computer. I can find a variety of guides for this model advising how to insert RAM, how to fix a padlock to the case, statistics on heat dissipation, etc, etc, but not a manual for the motherboard. All I can find indicates it could be a HP board.'
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HP Engineering' is stamped on the board and the model could be 09CCh. I cannot find any trace of this board at the HP site. If anyone could steer me in the right direction I would be most grateful. (My second HP problem in two days.grrrrr!!). On Robert's post, if a i915 chipset, you can *try* to get some further details at the Intel support website for that chipset. It's NOT 100% assurance of cross-reference but it may provide some details. Ultraman fighting evolution 3 iso.